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Upcycled Cross Body

Upcycled Cross Body

Regular price $32.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.00 USD
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Recycled | Upcycled | Sustainable | Zero Waste

100% genuine leather products are thoughtfully engineered by a unique technique of hand patching. The technique of hand patching truly allows us say that no two items in our shop are the same. 


Preserving nature should be the first priority on everyone’s agenda in today’s life. Without a healthy environment, most life would cease to exist. Upcycling is an increasingly popular trend revolutionizing our daily lives. It is considered to be much greener than recycling as recycling requires energy and resources to collect, sort and process unwanted items. The need to find alternative ways to deal with the discarded items has never been greater! We are proud to make the movement of upcycling as our cornerstone and even prouder to be called an eco-friendly brand! 

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